Thanks to donations from our SRE families and community, PTIO fulfilled grants totaling more than $27,000 from teachers and staff at the start of this school year to help our students get off to a strong start! 

Your donations have been invested back into our school to fill in funding gaps and go above and beyond for our kids. 

$14,000 - Envision Workbooks

New K-5 enVision® Mathematics © 2020 is the only math program that combines problem-based learning and visual learning to deepen students’ conceptual understanding.

$9,000 - iReady Licenses

i-Ready Diagnostic provides teachers with a complete picture of student performance relating to their grade level and national norms. This tool supports teachers as they plan instruction, set goals with students, and assess learner progress.

$1,700 Outdoor Education Scholarships and Busing

Going on an overnight trip to outdoor education is an important milestone for students in Colorado. SRE Sixth grade classes were able to go to Keystone Science School to experience a unique overnight field trip that combined science, adventure, and fun!

$1,300 - Library Tech Upgrades

SRE was able to upgrade the TV in the library often used for special meetings and trainings. The old TV was then moved for use during PE.

$1,000 - Stock the Lounge & Teacher Appreciation

With your support, PTIO has also spent $1,000 to show our collective appreciation for SRE teachers and staff by stocking the lounge, providing meals during training, and parent/teacher conferences.

We know all of our small gestures add up and really make a difference.

$900 - Classroom Airfilters

We will all come to appreciate classroom air filters now that we are getting closer to cold and flu season!

$800 - Teacher/Staff Classroom and School needs/requests

A total of $800 has been used to fulfill teacher and staff classroom and school needs, like paper!

And, just this month, PTIO met to formally approve funding to provide transportation for 2nd and 3rd graders to go on field trips this fall!  If SRE reaches our Mustang Stampede school goal by raising $25,000, PTIO can fund buses for field trips for each grade level this year!

Let’s go Mustangs!

Categories: PTIO Updates